Vicki Bertrand, CASA Volunteer
Dale H. Harris Hall of Fame Award - 2012
Walker Gaedecke, CASA Volunteer
Dale H. Harris Hall of Fame Award - 2012
Kate Gombos, CASA Board
Dale H. Harris Hall of Fame Award - 2012
Barbara Washington, CASA Volunteer
Dale H. Harris Hall of Fame Award - 2012
2012 Presidential Service Awards
Silver Recipients (250-499 hours of service)
Sandy Morrissett, Beth Doan, Marjo Hennessey, Kennie Dickson
Bronze Recipients (100-249 hours of service)
David Erickson, Renee Matteucci, Cynthia Mitchell, Diane Davis, Vicki Barrett, Octavia Starbuck, William Nevill, Eugene Varnadoe, Susan Gregory, Laura Winston, Vicki Bertrand, Susan Kadas, Katie Bawell, Joyce Foster, Barbara Washington, Anne Wojcikowski, Joan Schnabl, Sonia Smith, Karima Sefiane
About The honorable Dale H. harris hall of Fame Award
In recognition of CASA's 20th anniversary and to honor The Honorable Dale H. Harris, who initiated the establishment of the CASA program, CASA of Central VA established the Honorable Dale H. Harris Volunteer Hall of Fame. The first twelve volunteers were inducted at CASA's 20th Anniversary Celebration on March 19, 2010.
The Hall of Fame was intended to recognize exemplary volunteers - board members as well as CASA volunteers - who had made significant contributions to the organization and to achieving positive outcomes for abused and neglected children. Each inductee is presented with an engraved, clear acrylic award; and his or her name is engraved on a perpetual plaque, which is displayed in the CASA Administrative Office.
In order to be inducted, volunteers must meet the following selection criteria:
Must have served as a CASA volunteer or on CASA's Board of Directors for a minimum of three years.
Must have demonstrated exemplary services as a volunteer, often going above and beyond the duties outlined in the job description.
Must have made a measurable impact to improve the organization or the life of an abused and neglected child.
Has received a written recommendation from a staff member or other volunteer familiar with the nominee's contributions.
About the Presidential Service Award
The President's Council on Service and Civic Participation (the Council) was established in 2003 to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers are making in our communities and encourage more people to serve. The Council created the President's Volunteer Service Award program as a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service.
Recognizing and honoring volunteers sets a standard for service, encourages a sustained commitment to civic participation, and inspires others to make service a central part of their lives. The President's Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals, families, and groups that have achieved a certain standard - measured by the number of hours of service over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime.